RGB/YCC444/422 to YCC444/422/420 conversions are supported, deep color depth up to 16 bit
Progressive 3D video formats supported
HDCP engine compliant with HDCP 2.2 and HDCP 1.4 specification with internal HDCP Keys
HDCP 1.4/2.2 repeater supported
2 USB Type-C ports integrated compliant with USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification revision 2.0
Compliant with USB Power Delivery Specification Revision 3.0, with
USB Power Delivery BMC transceiver integrated on USB Type-C ports
Charge Through function support
Fast Role Swap support
SPDIF/IIS input supported with audio sampling rate up to 192KHz
On-chip Audio Decoder which support 8 channel Audio input from DP Rx
and output from HDMI Tx, support LPCM(16/20/24 bit) format with sampling
rate up to 192kHz, compressed audio formats (AC3, DTS, DTSHD MA, and
Dolby MAT) and HBR audio formats with frame rate up to 1536kHz
Integrated Ra, Rd and Rp for USB Type-C
Embedded MCU to handle the control logic
Full speed USB billboard module supported with USB 2.0 PHY integrated
Embedded ROM, integrated EDID Buffer IIC Slave, USB 2.0 are available for firmware update IIC slave interface are available for debug Low power architecture, support Auto Power Saving mode and low stand-by current Low power architecture RoHS compliant and Halogen free package Offered in 68 pin QFN package
Chrontel’s CH7217A is a low-cost, low-power semiconductor device that translates the DisplayPort signal to HDMI/DVI through the USB Type-C connector.This innovative USB Type-C based DisplayPort receiver with an integrated HDMI Transmitter is specially designed to target the USB Type-C to HDMI converter, adapter and dongle device. Through the CH7217A’s
advanced decoding / encoding algorithm, the input DisplayPort high-speed serialized multimedia data can be seamlessly converted to HDMI/DVI output.The CH7217A’s DP/eDP receiver is compliant with the DisplayPort Specification 1.4 and Embedded DisplayPort (eDP) Specification version 1.4. With sophisticated DisplayPort signal detection and the Lane Swap/AUX
polarity inversion logic, the CH7217A supports USB Type-C cable plug orientation switch. With internal HDCP key Integrated, the device support HDCP 2.2 specifications. In the device’s receiver block, which supports four DisplayPort Main Link Lanes input with data rate running at 1.62Gbps, 2.7Gbps, 5.4Gbps or 8.1Gpbs, and converted the input signal to HDMI output
up to 4Kx2k@60Hz. Leveraging the USB Power Delivery control logic, the USB billboard module for USB device indentify and DisplayPort’s unique source/sink “Link Training” routine, the CH7217A is capable of instantly bring up the video display to the HDMI/DVI TV/Monitor when the initialization process is completed.
The CH7217A also supports up to 8-channel audio input from either DP Rx or SPDIF/IIS port and output from HDMI Tx with sample rate up to 192 KHz. Available audio bandwidth depends on the pixel clock frequency,the video format timing, and whether or not content protection re-synchronization is needed.With sophisticated MCU and the embedded ROM,
CH7217A supports auto-boot and EDID buffer. Leveraging the firmware auto-loaded from the embedded ROM, CH7217A supports DP input detection, HDMI connection detection, and determine to enter into Power saving mode automatically.